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The Icon Bar: General: Omega progress
  Omega progress
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rich Message #2977, posted at 09:30, 17/1/2002, in reply to message #2976
Unregistered user
Looking at this thread, what would it take to be banned from here? "I think RISC OS smells of poo"?

"Right, that's it, you're barred Terry!"
"Aw, but Guv..."

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Guy Message #2979, posted at 10:25, 17/1/2002, in reply to message #2975
Unregistered user
They are still testing it thourghly to ensure that it will be as reliable as possible
Personally I would prefer to wait longer for a reliable computer than receive one that is unreliable.
I would prefer to receive one with buggy chips in nice sockets so I can help them debug, er I mean test, it quicker. A follow-up chip/set to a handful of technically-minded launch customers seems a small price for MD to pay.
Now don't tell me, the smallest viable production run rules this out. Sigh. No chance they can make the odd one-off by blowing a few links?
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monkeyson Message #2982, posted at 10:57, 8/2/2002, in reply to message #2981
Unregistered user Have you seen the latest on the Microdigital news pages?


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andrew Message #2983, posted at 11:02, 8/2/2002, in reply to message #2982
Unregistered user No.
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monkeyson Message #2984, posted at 11:10, 8/2/2002, in reply to message #2983
Unregistered user Okay, so I was lying about the imminent release of the Omega. Who'd do a thing like like that?
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rich Message #2989, posted at 10:01, 11/2/2002, in reply to message #2988
Unregistered user I'd just like to point out that Chinese New Year is now upon us - we're going to the restaurant tomorrow night for Chinese food, isn't someone else supposed to be eating something with a bit more roughage in? Something about eating a computer if something else wasn't released by New Year, and delaying that until Chinese New Year...?
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monkeyson Message #2990, posted at 12:29, 11/2/2002, in reply to message #2988
Unregistered user
I dind not say which year tho.

The latest is that Microdigital have moved offices from Saltaire, West Yorkshire, England, Earth, to Mareotis Fossae(*), 45.0 north, 79.3 west, Mars.

A year on Mars is equivalent to 686.98 Earth days, so by my reckoning they're still on schedule.

(*) a long depression

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rich Message #2991, posted at 12:54, 11/2/2002, in reply to message #2990
Unregistered user
(*) a long depression
Quite apt, really.
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guy Message #2993, posted at 18:14, 12/2/2002, in reply to message #2992
Unregistered user Why not get some publicity for Castle/Acorn by getting Jamie Oliver or someone to prepare it for yopu?
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monkeyson Message #2994, posted at 18:52, 18/2/2002, in reply to message #2993
Unregistered user Yesterday, one of my friends said to me (in relation to something unimportant which luckily I forget) "and if that isn't true I'll put my knackers in a sandwich and eat them!"

I suggest Mr Hoare doesn't use any such similar phrases.

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RevinKevin Message #2986, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2984
Unregistered user Ha bloody Ha.

Will it be ready in time for Wakefield show.


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moss Message #2931, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2930
Unregistered user 
But back on to topic, I'll also be in Nottingham from Saturday until Jan 2nd, so if there's any Omega deliveries or computer eating to be done, I could be on hand to take pictures... wink

Oh how convenient... you're all ganging up against me you lot! smile Worst thing is is that I'm pretty certain I'm wrong now... unhappy

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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #2978, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2975
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
I spoke to Micro digital last week about the Omega. They are still testing it thourghly to ensure that it will be as reliable as possible. They don't want to release the machine and then find that their phone is red hot because customer's are phoning in with complaints.

Ah, that's all very well but there's something not quite right there... oh yes:

It doesn't matter how thoroughly thery're testing it, if it's as close to completion as it should be, there's no reason why a working prototype shouldn't be demonstrated to the press or public - if only to keep the potential customers confident that they might one day see a product.

If there was some evidence of a working machine, the wait wouldn't matter. As it is, there's not only the endless delays (with no regular progress or even courtesy news updates) but there's the wondering too... unhappy

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rich Message #2930, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2929
Unregistered user 12th February to be precise, as the ArgoNet techie crew got our Year of the Horse New Year menus last night (we booked tables a few months ago, we're big fans of a certain restaurant here in Chi).

But back on to topic, I'll also be in Nottingham from Saturday until Jan 2nd, so if there's any Omega deliveries or computer eating to be done, I could be on hand to take pictures... wink

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moss Message #2980, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2977
Unregistered user
"Right, that's it, you're barred Terry!"
"Aw, but Guv..."

Richard Herring is a genius! smile


[Edited by moss at 22:16, 17/1/2002]

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moss Message #2981, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2979
Unregistered user unhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappyunhappy
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monkeyson Message #2928, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2927
Unregistered user
If I'm in Nottingham when it's delivered, RI promised me they would drive over themselves with it the same day they got it. I'm doing all I can smile

They want to see you suffer!

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moss Message #2927, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2926
Unregistered user If I'm in Nottingham when it's delivered, RI promised me they would drive over themselves with it the same day they got it. I'm doing all I can smile

Although I actually think it'll come at the end of January...

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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #2925, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2924
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266

21 days to go... unhappy

Are you auditioning for the So Solid Crew or something? They can't save you from your fate either... grin

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moss Message #2985, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2984
Unregistered user
Okay, so I was lying about the imminent release of the Omega. Who'd do a thing like like that?
I hate you. smile
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rich Message #2933, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2931
Unregistered user
But back on to topic, I'll also be in Nottingham from Saturday until Jan 2nd, so if there's any Omega deliveries or computer eating to be done, I could be on hand to take pictures... wink
Oh how convenient... you're all ganging up against me you lot! smile Worst thing is is that I'm pretty certain I'm wrong now... unhappy
Well, if you think being born in Nottingham, having spent the first quarter-century of my life there, and having to spend about 5 hours travelling back every time I want to see my folks convenient... smile
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Gulli Message #2987, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2986
Unregistered user
Ha bloody Ha.

Will it be ready in time for Wakefield show.


I think the real question has to be: Will it ever be ready?

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RevinKevin Message #2988, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2987
Unregistered user
Ha bloody Ha.

Will it be ready in time for Wakefield show.


I think the real question has to be: Will it ever be ready?

I dind not say which year tho.

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moss Message #2924, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2923
Unregistered user I talked to Real Ingenuity this morning, and they said Microdigital are making sure the software is all sorted - they don't want a repeat of the Mico's sound problems.

21 days to go... unhappy

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rich Message #2923, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2921
Unregistered user
Are you implying that they're not people? smile
No, I'm implying that you believe it.
Ah, but I don't believe it, and won't until I see something with my own eyes. A preview of the first production model - which supposedly did exist, and they were testing - was promised faithfully in October, but that never happened either.

I'm not saying it doesn't exist - I'm saying I'll believe it when I see it.

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moss Message #2922, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2921
Unregistered user
26 days until the end of the year and the computing eating contest.

I feel ill. unhappy

20 days until Christmas and we get our Good News.

Let's just hope that's "The first batch of computers has been sent out" not "Testing is nearly finished..."

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moss Message #2992, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2989
Unregistered user
I'd just like to point out that Chinese New Year is now upon us - we're going to the restaurant tomorrow night for Chinese food, isn't someone else supposed to be eating something with a bit more roughage in? Something about eating a computer if something else wasn't released by New Year, and delaying that until Chinese New Year...?
It's all ready, I just need a camera, which my housemates should be providing. I'll try and finish my C Programming Portfolio work first though... tongue
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monkeyson Message #2921, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2920
Unregistered user
Are you implying that they're not people? smile

No, I'm implying that you believe it.

26 days until the end of the year and the computing eating contest.

20 days until Christmas and we get our Good News.

[Edited by monkeyson at 13:02, 5/12/2001]

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rich Message #2920, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2919
Unregistered user Are you implying that they're not people? smile
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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #2967, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2961
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
If the Omega isn't released next month, I'll eat Microdigital...

Now this one I really want to see smile

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The Icon Bar: General: Omega progress