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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: Geek moments
  Geek moments
  adrianl (05:42 25/1/2009)
  Phlamethrower (11:34 25/1/2009)
    VincceH (13:34 25/1/2009)
      epistaxsis (17:14 25/1/2009)
  filecore (22:37 29/1/2009)
    VincceH (09:03 30/1/2009)
      filecore (09:51 30/1/2009)
  adrianl (03:49 8/2/2009)
    Loris (00:20 9/2/2009)
      monkeyson2 (23:20 9/2/2009)
        Phlamethrower (23:36 9/2/2009)
          monkeyson2 (00:21 10/2/2009)
          VincceH (09:31 10/2/2009)
            VincceH (09:34 10/2/2009)
            Phlamethrower (11:03 10/2/2009)
            Loris (17:37 10/2/2009)
              monkeyson2 (20:59 10/2/2009)
                ksattic (07:25 11/2/2009)
                  monkeyson2 (20:49 11/2/2009)
    filecore (11:15 9/2/2009)
    Loris (12:11 9/2/2009)
Adrian Lees Message #109206, posted by adrianl at 05:42, 25/1/2009
Posts: 1637
It's time to confess for those of us who sometimes think, "yes, I belong in an episode of The Big Bang Theory*."

(i) My specific confession right now is that, whilst watching Rain Man, my attention was immediately drawn to a thematically insignificant neon sign in the parking lot of a motel, purely because of its shape. Upon rewinding it registered consciously as the Texas Instruments logo, which - prior to the brief research that followed - I didn't know was merely the outline of the state of Texas.


* very highly recommended if you've not yet had the good fortune of seeing it; it's superbly written and equally-well acted, a true gem.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #109207, posted by Phlamethrower at 11:34, 25/1/2009, in reply to message #109206
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
the Texas Instruments logo, which - prior to the brief research that followed - I didn't know was merely the outline of the state of Texas.
And you call yourself a geek? Pah!

Next you'll tell me that you've only just noticed that the Acorn logo is an acorn.
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VinceH Message #109209, posted by VincceH at 13:34, 25/1/2009, in reply to message #109207
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
It's what? I always thought it was a hard boiled egg in an egg cup!
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keith dunlop Message #109210, posted by epistaxsis at 17:14, 25/1/2009, in reply to message #109209

Posts: 159
funny looking egg cup
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Jason Togneri Message #109247, posted by filecore at 22:37, 29/1/2009, in reply to message #109206

Posts: 3868
* very highly recommended if you've not yet had the good fortune of seeing it; it's superbly written and equally-well acted, a true gem.
I just started watching it based on your recommendation. However, so soon after having re-watched the entirity of The IT Crowd with the wife, it sort of paled in comparison (also watching American 'humor' straight after good old British humour), but I'm now on episode 8 or so and I'm beginning to warm to the characters slightly. Overall, it's probably quite worth watching, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to the level you do. Especially when compared to The IT Crowd smile but then, I suppose I'm setting the bar quite high there already.
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VinceH Message #109251, posted by VincceH at 09:03, 30/1/2009, in reply to message #109247
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
* very highly recommended if you've not yet had the good fortune of seeing it; it's superbly written and equally-well acted, a true gem.
I just started watching it based on your recommendation. However, so soon after having re-watched the entirity of The IT Crowd with the wife, it sort of paled in comparison
I'm with Adrian on this - I first spotted it the when E4 were showing season one and just loved it.

(also watching American 'humor' straight after good old British humour),
I suspect that's the main problem.

but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to the level you do. Especially when compared to The IT Crowd smile but then, I suppose I'm setting the bar quite high there already.
You are - but you're also not comparing like with like.
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Jason Togneri Message #109254, posted by filecore at 09:51, 30/1/2009, in reply to message #109251

Posts: 3868
You are - but you're also not comparing like with like.
Yes. I'm afraid I often compare apples with oranges, but then that's just because sometimes I prefer apples, and sometimes I prefer oranges, and sometimes I get bad examples of both. It was just the proximity of both shows - halfway through the first season, and the characters really are beginning to grow on me big smile
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Adrian Lees Message #109286, posted by adrianl at 03:49, 8/2/2009, in reply to message #109206
Posts: 1637
Disappointed that there's still no (ii)....is it just me that has these moments?

Well, I had another one a couple of days ago, when some company advertising on theregister.co.uk was selling 'window handles' and, for a second, I couldn't understand how it was possible to buy/sell the handle to a window; wimp_w, HWND, call it what you will. Still no idea why they were advertising there, even after it clicked, but there you go.

AND I resolutely stand by my assertion about The Big Bang Theory, and am trying to wait patiently for UK TV to screen the rest of season 2.
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Tony Haines Message #109287, posted by Loris at 00:20, 9/2/2009, in reply to message #109286
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Here's my geek moment... well actually it's more of a Harry Hill/nerd moment, but I saw this image in the TV guide,
User Included Picture
"Woman escapes grasp with Quick Time Event in Coronation Street!"

Edit : Oh, I forgot about forum attachments. I'll do that too, just in case, although now I've edited it to display the thing properly.

[Edited by Loris at 00:29, 9/2/2009]
corrie.jpg 532x354 133KB

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Jason Togneri Message #109288, posted by filecore at 11:15, 9/2/2009, in reply to message #109286

Posts: 3868
AND I resolutely stand by my assertion about The Big Bang Theory, and am trying to wait patiently for UK TV to screen the rest of season 2.
Okay, having watched seasons 1 and 2 (until episode 14 or so), I'll say that a few episodes were a bit crap, but it generally grows on you. I tried watching No Heroics, however, and after the end of the second episode, I just thought "This had loads of potential, it was a great general concept, and they've fucked it right up. What a waste of a great idea." I don't think I'll be trying to follow any more of it.
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Tony Haines Message #109289, posted by Loris at 12:11, 9/2/2009, in reply to message #109286
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Well, I had another one a couple of days ago, when some company advertising on theregister.co.uk was selling 'window handles' and, for a second, I couldn't understand how it was possible to buy/sell the handle to a window ...
Now you mention it - has anyone else ever tried to point at something in meatspace using the mouse pointer? It happens to me when I've been intensively dragging stuff around for a while then someone asks me where a physical item is.
Actually I've gone beyond that - I must've had a dream or something where a geek defends himself using the pointer to block all attacks, kung-fu style.
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Phil Mellor Message #109292, posted by monkeyson2 at 23:20, 9/2/2009, in reply to message #109287
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
Woman escapes grasp with Quick Time Event in Coronation Street!"
I'm probably being a bit dense, but I don't get it.

Then again, last night I tried to e-mail someone in my dream and was annoyed when I woke up and realised they wouldn't get it.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #109293, posted by Phlamethrower at 23:36, 9/2/2009, in reply to message #109292
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Woman escapes grasp with Quick Time Event in Coronation Street!"
I'm probably being a bit dense, but I don't get it.
Read however many of these links are required for you to get the joke (but not more, nor less).

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Phil Mellor Message #109294, posted by monkeyson2 at 00:21, 10/2/2009, in reply to message #109293
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
Woman escapes grasp with Quick Time Event in Coronation Street!"
I'm probably being a bit dense, but I don't get it.
Read however many of these links are required for you to get the joke (but not more, nor less).
Bah, I was looking for this! This is a rather dangerous recursive geek moment situation.
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VinceH Message #109295, posted by VincceH at 09:31, 10/2/2009, in reply to message #109293
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Woman escapes grasp with Quick Time Event in Coronation Street!"
I'm probably being a bit dense, but I don't get it.
Read however many of these links are required for you to get the joke (but not more, nor less).
I know what a quick time event is, and I still don't get it - what does a qte have to do with a still frame from a crappy soap opera? Do I need to have watched the programme to get it?

*looks at the picture again, and the fact that one of the links is:

Are you equating the two apparently floating triangles with the PS controller?

In which case, I'll do a Sheldon and point out that there's only one triangle on the right keypad, along with a square, circle and cross, so that's an erroneous example of observational humour you've made. If the higher of those two triangles is supposed to be the one from the controller, then the one below and to its right should be a circle - and where are the circle and cross. tongue

Oh good grief. I think I've just done my (real) Big Bang Theory Geek Moment. I actually followed the Google link and called up an image of the controller to check the positions of the buttons. There's an actual real controller easily within arm's reach to my right. indiff

To make up for it, and make me feel human again, I'll just point out that I like the eighth image on that Google link, which here was:

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VinceH Message #109296, posted by VincceH at 09:34, 10/2/2009, in reply to message #109295
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Oh good grief. I think I've just done my (real) Big Bang Theory Geek Moment. I actually followed the Google link and called up an image of the controller to check the positions of the buttons. There's an actual real controller easily within arm's reach to my right. indiff
Two, in fact - one for the PS2, and one for the PS3. Both of which are set up and ready for use.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #109299, posted by Phlamethrower at 11:03, 10/2/2009, in reply to message #109295
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Are you equating the two apparently floating triangles with the PS controller?

In which case, I'll do a Sheldon and point out that there's only one triangle on the right keypad, along with a square, circle and cross, so that's an erroneous example of observational humour you've made. If the higher of those two triangles is supposed to be the one from the controller, then the one below and to its right should be a circle - and where are the circle and cross. tongue
The apparent appearance of two triangles is obviously an interlacing artifact. In reality there's just one triangle that's rapidly changing position tongue
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Tony Haines Message #109304, posted by Loris at 17:37, 10/2/2009, in reply to message #109295
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
So my joke wasn't funny then?

I guess you kind of have to watch Harry Hill's show as well as know what QTEs are.
And also be willing to go with it and interpret triangles as minimal direction arrows (and not be a pedant).

Hoh well, nvm.
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Phil Mellor Message #109305, posted by monkeyson2 at 20:59, 10/2/2009, in reply to message #109304
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
So my joke wasn't funny then?
I think you out-geeked us. tongue

I guess you kind of have to watch Harry Hill's show as well as know what QTEs are.

Hoh well, nvm.
I just went to Google Image Search to find a suitable comparison picture and couldn't find anything suitable. Then it twigged that I'd done a Google Images Search for "Google Image Search". You're lucky I didn't break the internets. shock
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Simon Wilson Message #109306, posted by ksattic at 07:25, 11/2/2009, in reply to message #109305
Finally, an avatar!

Posts: 1291
Yay, PCITV! You should update to the latest version, though. wink

...er, make a backup of that version and your choices file first in case it goes titsup as I haven't worked on the code in ages.
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Phil Mellor Message #109307, posted by monkeyson2 at 20:49, 11/2/2009, in reply to message #109306
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
Yay, PCITV! You should update to the latest version, though. wink

...er, make a backup of that version and your choices file first in case it goes titsup as I haven't worked on the code in ages.
I haven't used it for ages - I have a proper TV now tongue

The picture was from here:

Hurrah for signal boosting indoor aerials!
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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: Geek moments