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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: Pizza Hut or Dominoes?
  Pizza Hut or Dominoes?
  sa110_mk (17:27 26/7/2009)
  rich (18:00 26/7/2009)
    filecore (20:01 26/7/2009)
      tribbles (23:02 26/7/2009)
        sa110_mk (10:08 27/7/2009)
          tribbles (21:56 27/7/2009)
            ninj (17:41 29/7/2009)
  VincceH (07:44 27/7/2009)
    filecore (08:52 27/7/2009)
Paul Stewart Message #110668, posted by sa110_mk at 17:27, 26/7/2009
Posts: 144
So which do you prefer, Pizza Hut or Dominoes and what is your favourite pizza?

Personally I like a small/medium Pizza Hut supreme. Used to go for Meatfeast with a stuffed crust, but just can't manage a large one anymore!

Pizza, mmm!
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17:57, 26/7/2009 - At this point the thread was moved from General to The Playpen by rich
Richard Goodwin Message #110670, posted by rich at 18:00, 26/7/2009, in reply to message #110668
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
I make my own (apart from the bready bit). That way I can add loads more topping and masses of chillies.

I'm not quite this bad however...
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Jason Togneri Message #110673, posted by filecore at 20:01, 26/7/2009, in reply to message #110670

Posts: 3868
I worked at Pizza Hut for a year when I were a young student. Actually it's not so bad. Never eaten at a Domino.
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Jason Tribbeck Message #110675, posted by tribbles at 23:02, 26/7/2009, in reply to message #110673
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
Blimey - a Pizza Hut/Dominoes question on /this/ forum too!

I used to do Dominoes, but they stopped doing their meal deals, so I went to Pizza Hut instead.

I find Pizza Hut pizzas not as nice as Dominoes, but they are larger. Too large, in fact, and I've now more or less given up on both of them.
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VinceH Message #110677, posted by VincceH at 07:44, 27/7/2009, in reply to message #110668
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
I don't like pizza.
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Jason Togneri Message #110678, posted by filecore at 08:52, 27/7/2009, in reply to message #110677

Posts: 3868
Freak. I'm not a huge fan of Pizza Hut and I've never been to Domino, but there are some independent restaraunts that do excellent pizza, and I often enjoy patronising them.
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Paul Stewart Message #110679, posted by sa110_mk at 10:08, 27/7/2009, in reply to message #110675
Posts: 144
Blimey - a Pizza Hut/Dominoes question on /this/ forum too!
You mean there are other forums with people who eat pizza!

I find Pizza Hut pizzas not as nice as Dominoes, but they are larger. Too large, in fact, and I've now more or less given up on both of them.
I've found over the past few years I've gone from ording a lage, to medium and now tend only order small! Which is shame cos I like their stuffed crusts.
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Jason Tribbeck Message #110684, posted by tribbles at 21:56, 27/7/2009, in reply to message #110679
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
Blimey - a Pizza Hut/Dominoes question on /this/ forum too!
You mean there are other forums with people who eat pizza!
There's three main (popular*) forums I visit - one that's very dedicated (and a bit up-tight), this one (which is about middle-of-the-road), and one that's fairly lowest-common-denominator (but is a bit of a laugh).

We haven't had one on the first site yet, but the other one did have on this very topic. It'll take a while for us, here, to get to the 140+ postings that the other site managed smile

* Popular: Not the one that I set up for my fellow car builders, where only 4 of us really do anything (there's only 8 cars on the road).

And certainly not the one I set up for a friend of mine where myself and he are the only people (and I'm only a member to make sure any code changes work - I don't read anything!). But he's happy to renew the domain, and it's exactly the same code as the other one.
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ninjah Message #110712, posted by ninj at 17:41, 29/7/2009, in reply to message #110684
Posts: 288
The only pizza chain I'll patronise is Pizza Express, but usually it's not too hard to find an independent pizzeria which is almost always preferable.

The only time I've been to pizza hut was in Brussels. I was amazed to find that the pizzas you get taste exactly like the worst sort of pizzas you can get delivered at two o'clock in the morning, the only difference being they don't come in a cardboard box half-soaked in grease.
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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: Pizza Hut or Dominoes?