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The Icon Bar: General: A 5000 monitor pin functions
  A 5000 monitor pin functions
  (08:39 13/8/2001)
  law (18:30 13/8/2001)
    guy (08:15 14/8/2001)
      monkeyson (08:23 14/8/2001)
        law (20:33 14/8/2001)
          monkeyson (10:44 25/9/2001)
            jess (16:43 27/10/2001)
              monkeyson (12:48 29/10/2001)
        awickham (15:35 30/1/2002)
          monkeyson (10:07 1/2/2002)
guy Message #776, posted at 08:39, 13/8/2001
Unregistered user Can anyone tell me how the A5000 monitor output connections differ from the A3010?

I have my A3010 manual detailing the pin functions, but my A5000 one has gone walkabout over the years.

My monitor just died, and I have had to resort to an old Microvitec Cub 3000 with adaptor for the A3010, but this doesn't work with the A5000.
Same thing with SCART TV.

Or (feeling of dread) are they the same and my A5000 must have died too?

Also, anybody know a good monitor repair shop in the Worcester area?

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law Message #777, posted at 18:30, 13/8/2001, in reply to message #776
Unregistered user Oh Dear, yes they are the same, if you've got a vga monitor from a windows box,they will usually work if you hadn't altered the monitor setting from Auto. I do repairs, but I'm in South Yorkshire, probably too far away.
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guy Message #778, posted at 08:15, 14/8/2001, in reply to message #777
Unregistered user
they will usually work if you hadn't altered the monitor setting from Auto.

er, I probably have. Is there some arcane key combination I can press during bootup, to restore the setting?

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monkeyson Message #779, posted at 08:23, 14/8/2001, in reply to message #778
Unregistered user You could try holding down a number on the keypad when you switch the computer on - I think 2 is multiscan, 3 is VGA.

Or you could hold down the asterisk, wait a few seconds for the (invisible) command prompt to appear, then type

*configure monitortype auto

I have an SVGA Iiyama connected to my A3010, and it makes it go very bizarre. I have to switch the computer on, wait for it to go through the self tests and start booting, THEN switch the monitor on! And if I want to ctrl-break, off goes the monitor, then reset, then turn it on again.

If I don't do that, the computer either freezes entirely, or throws up internal errors every minute or so.

What's going on there then?

[Edited by monkeyson at 10:33, 14/8/2001]

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law Message #780, posted at 20:33, 14/8/2001, in reply to message #779
Unregistered user Ah, that's the 'Plug and Play', one of the pins on the vga plug sends a digital stream from the monitor to the computer. Unfortunately this happens to be one of the pins used by Acorn's monitor detection system (see your welcome/user guide for more details), which is expected to be hi or low not toggling, so if your montior is off the A3010 sees this line as low which is ok.
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monkeyson Message #781, posted at 10:44, 25/9/2001, in reply to message #780
Unregistered user Does the Risc PC have the same problem?
Will the Omega?
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jess Message #782, posted at 16:43, 27/10/2001, in reply to message #781
Unregistered user Risc PC - Yes
Omega - Very unlikely - i don't remember the mico having it.
the problem is solved by setting the sync and monitor type from the command line.


Configure sync 0

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monkeyson Message #783, posted at 12:48, 29/10/2001, in reply to message #782
Unregistered user
Risc PC - Yes
Omega - Very unlikely - i don't remember the mico having it.
the problem is solved by setting the sync and monitor type from the command line.


Configure sync 0

So in my boot sequence i could do that and it would work?

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awickham Message #784, posted at 15:35, 30/1/2002, in reply to message #779
Unregistered user
I have an SVGA Iiyama connected to my A3010, and it makes it go very bizarre. I have to switch the computer on, wait for it to go through the self tests and start booting, THEN switch the monitor on! And if I want to ctrl-break, off goes the monitor, then reset, then turn it on again.

Even with an A5000, it can be touch and go whether the Iiyama will wake up once it has gone into "no signal" mode. At risk of going off thread, does driving an Iiyama (via a ColourCard, mostly 800x600x256) put any additional strain on the VIDC or other graphics parts - not long after getting the monitor, my A5000 has given up produing a video signal (the POST flashes are indicating Virq/Sirq failure if I am interpreting them correctly). Should I be looking for a new motherboard, a RiscPC or just someone handy with a soldering iron and 24MHz crystal?

[Edited by awickham at 18:20, 30/1/2002]

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monkeyson Message #785, posted at 10:07, 1/2/2002, in reply to message #784
Unregistered user My A3010 sometimes used to throw up internal errors for no good reason once I'd connected my SVGA monitor to it.
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The Icon Bar: General: A 5000 monitor pin functions