Message #123268, posted by leeshep at 14:34, 4/7/2014
Posts: 25
Hi RISC OS people
I'm doing some experiments on the sound quality of MP3 playback using !DigitalCD on the RISC PC and must say so far I'm quite impressed.
I would like some help with the following though...
RISC OS 6 Sound configure has an option for oversampling is this better on on off, same goes for the frequency tracker.
Also what is the optimal settings in !DigitalCD itself. Should the frequency be 44100Hz or is 50000Hz better? What about interpolation, should this be on or off?
If it helps I am playing MP3's ripped at 320Kbps using Shine.
Message #123271, posted by sirbod at 22:05, 5/7/2014, in reply to message #123268
Posts: 563
Over sampling is only really relevant for low frequency rate playback, I believe it will add additional samples and double the playback rate. You shouldn't need it with 320Kbps MP3's.