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The Icon Bar: General: Paul Middleton poll on RISC OS.NET
  Paul Middleton poll on RISC OS.NET
  (15:25 4/10/2001)
  Gulli (16:14 4/10/2001)
    andrew (17:46 4/10/2001)
      Gulli (20:01 6/10/2001)
        guy (10:11 7/10/2001)
          Phlamethrower (13:58 15/6/2002)
            andypoole (13:58 15/6/2002)
  guy (13:58 15/6/2002)
    andrew (09:20 5/10/2001)
andrew Message #1103, posted at 15:25, 4/10/2001
Unregistered user To all those who have persistently criticised Paul Middleton, here is an interesting vote on RISC OS.NET which says that 68% of readers think he is doing a good job.
Maybe they don't know the real situation or maybe they do?

[Edited by andrew at 16:26, 4/10/2001]
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Gulli Message #1104, posted at 16:14, 4/10/2001, in reply to message #1103
Unregistered user It's not really that reliable just yet. Having watched the poll since it was started (one person had voted when I did) I know only one person has voted "Don't know, don't care" and that makes the total number of votes 23!

Maybe if more people were to vote we could have a reliable poll?

[Edited by Gulli at 17:19, 4/10/2001]

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andrew Message #1105, posted at 17:46, 4/10/2001, in reply to message #1104
Unregistered user So you voted 22 times?
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andrew Message #1107, posted at 09:20, 5/10/2001, in reply to message #1106
Unregistered user It seems clear enough to me in which way the general opinion is swayed.
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Gulli Message #1108, posted at 20:01, 6/10/2001, in reply to message #1105
Unregistered user No, I just watched the numbers grow very slowly and was actually able to almost count the number of votes! Then knowing that the "Don't know, don't care" percentage went down everytime someone voted and never up there could still only be one vote for that. From that it's simple maths to figure out how many had voted.

Now on the other hand I have no idea how many times people have voted because I haven't looked at the voting since I calculated the number of votes until now and see that "Don't know, don't care" has gone up and I don't know how often that has happened!

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guy Message #1109, posted at 10:11, 7/10/2001, in reply to message #1108
Unregistered user
No, I just watched the numbers grow very slowly and was actually able to almost count the number of votes! Then knowing that the "Don't know, don't care" percentage went down everytime someone voted and never up there could still only be one vote for that. From that it's simple maths to figure out how many had voted.

Now on the other hand I have no idea how many times people have voted because I haven't looked at the voting since I calculated the number of votes until now and see that "Don't know, don't care" has gone up and I don't know how often that has happened!

Here's a stupid way:
Assume 2 have voted "Don't know, don't care", do the others add up to whole numbers of voters?
If not, assume 3 have voted ...
etc. etc.
Time was when I could have worked out the elegant answer. sigh.

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guy Message #1106, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #1103
Unregistered user there isn't an option for "yes and no" unhappy
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Phlamethrower Message #1110, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #1109
Unregistered user Elegant answer: Hack into RISCOS.net and read the results straight from their server smile
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andypoole Message #1111, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #1110
Unregistered user
Elegant answer: Hack into RISCOS.net and read the results straight from their server smile

OI! don't try it.

FYI The end result is:

136 votes total
45 yes
82 no
9 don't know don't care

so there you go monkey

[Edited by andypoole at 11:21, 8/11/2001]

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The Icon Bar: General: Paul Middleton poll on RISC OS.NET