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The Icon Bar: General: idea for Not Another Portal
  idea for Not Another Portal
  (10:22 22/8/2001)
  Phlamethrower (10:58 22/8/2001)
  ams (19:03 22/8/2001)
    rich (08:11 23/8/2001)
      guy (09:29 23/8/2001)
  monkeyson (16:45 4/9/2001)
monkeyson Message #2658, posted at 10:22, 22/8/2001
Unregistered user This is an idea I've been mulling over for a while now.

How about a RISC OS Education site, along the lines of the http://www.argosphere.co.uk/ and others. The National Grid For Learning is an opportunity which hasn't been exploited on RISC OS very much at all, mainly because we haven't had the technology to access a lot of such materials.

But if a RISC OS site was produced, we wouldn't need RealAudio, Flash, Shockwave players - we could use our own 'non-standard' technology. As well as Draw files, EasiWriter documents, and the like, we could write our own plug-ins - animated Draw files with a simple script language, even running executables or BASIC programs (although there would be security issues that would need to be resolved). In conjunction with application developers, there are more opportunities - how about a 'share with other schools' option in TechWriter which uploads to the site as HTML, without any complications?

The content would be targetted at the National Curriculum, with the emphasis probably on primary schools, since more of them still have RISC OS. In some Acorn User educational features there were tables of key stage targets, with ticks where they were met by the activities; enticing for teachers planning their work. A web site that covers most or all targets would be encouraging.

And - it would all be free.

What do people think?

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Phlamethrower Message #2659, posted at 10:58, 22/8/2001, in reply to message #2658
Unregistered user Sounds good to me, although there's probably some larger issue around somewhere which is going to cause problems...

*Wanders off looking for Larger Issue, shotgun in hand*

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ams Message #2660, posted at 19:03, 22/8/2001, in reply to message #2658
Unregistered user As an idea in itself its a very nice idea Jake !

There are still teachers, parents and probably a few students that are more at home with RISC OS than Windows. Also, if the content is good enough, it may help rejuvinate the ROS market (as well as raising educational standards).

The only problem (the non-standard RISC OS file formats) is likely to piss off PC (and other users), there are two alternatives solutions (a line like "Requires a RISC OS compatible workstation" when they fail to handle the ROS files (a form of advertisement if you wish)).

Another possibility is to produce plug-ins for PCs to use the Acorn Standards !!! (now there's a twist).

If they caught on then some web developers might choose to purchase RISC OS gear to do !Drawfiles and the like.

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rich Message #2661, posted at 08:11, 23/8/2001, in reply to message #2660
Unregistered user Doesn't Xara output as Draw? Or is that import?
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guy Message #2662, posted at 09:29, 23/8/2001, in reply to message #2661
Unregistered user
Doesn't Xara output as Draw? Or is that import?

The original Xara for PC could import drawfiles (except text - had to be converted to paths), even though it wasn't on the import menu.

Couldn't output though - no menu option.

Dunno about the born-again one.

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monkeyson Message #2663, posted at 16:45, 4/9/2001, in reply to message #2658
Unregistered user "British schools in Net frenzy" -- http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/21458.html

I wonder how many of them use Oregano, Fresco or Webster?

(Alright, alright, or Lynx?)

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The Icon Bar: General: idea for Not Another Portal