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The Icon Bar: General: Birmingham show
  Birmingham show
  (14:59 1/12/2001)
  RevinKevin (16:55 1/12/2001)
    TheDoctor (21:03 1/12/2001)
      moss (13:58 15/6/2002)
        [mentat] (13:58 15/6/2002)
          moss (13:58 15/6/2002)
            moss (13:58 15/6/2002)
              Phlamethrower (16:57 3/12/2001)
                moss (13:58 15/6/2002)
                  monkeyson (13:58 15/6/2002)
              rich (17:19 3/12/2001)
                moss (17:27 3/12/2001)
                  rich (13:58 15/6/2002)
                    moss (13:58 15/6/2002)
                      [mentat] (13:58 15/6/2002)
              [mentat] (13:58 15/6/2002)
                monkeyson (17:00 3/12/2001)
                  moss (13:58 15/6/2002)
moss Message #2887, posted at 14:59, 1/12/2001
Unregistered user Having read too many hints in the latest issue of RISC World, and not being able to get down to the Birmingham show... is the Omega on show?
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RevinKevin Message #2888, posted at 16:55, 1/12/2001, in reply to message #2887
Unregistered user I was going to ask the same question myself
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TheDoctor Message #2889, posted at 21:03, 1/12/2001, in reply to message #2888
Unregistered user No, it wasn't.
In fact I saw no mention of it anywhere.

I did have a small play with an APDL Mico which seemed ok except that Paint kept on crashing.
The machine didn't 'feel' slow though as has been suggested in the past.

I didn't actually speak to Roy Heslop from Riscstation (somehow I forgot!) about the Portable, but I didn't see it on th
e stand, so no surprise there.I won't say there was nothing new to see there, but I saw nothing that caught my eye I'm afraid.
I'd say it wasn't as good as last years, and I seem to remember that that was a bit lackluster too.

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Phlamethrower Message #2895, posted at 16:57, 3/12/2001, in reply to message #2893
Unregistered user
and saying they have donated to charity to thank everyone for their support

Wouldn't that money be better spent actually getting Omega onto our desks?

*Slaps MD with a large trout*

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monkeyson Message #2896, posted at 17:00, 3/12/2001, in reply to message #2894
Unregistered user But I said I'd eat my Omega if it DID arrive.......
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rich Message #2899, posted at 17:19, 3/12/2001, in reply to message #2893
Unregistered user
Hinting at a DVD capability
Nope, saying "DVD drive option". IIRC RiscPCs have had a DVD drive option for some time - you can't watch DVD movies on them, you just use them as CD Rom drives (although possibly with about 10x the storage of regular CD Rom drives if they actually read DVD ROMs).
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moss Message #2900, posted at 17:27, 3/12/2001, in reply to message #2899
Unregistered user
Nope, saying "DVD drive option". IIRC RiscPCs have had a DVD drive option for some time - you can't watch DVD movies on them, you just use them as CD Rom drives (although possibly with about 10x the storage of regular CD Rom drives if they actually read DVD ROMs).

But the news item links it to the image processor: "Those of you who read the Image processor specification posted the other week will be pleased to read that we are now offering a DVD ROM drive option." I took this to mean he was hinting that eventually (with the right software) the Omega will have a DVD facility.

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moss Message #2892, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2891
Unregistered user Hmmm, having had a letter published in Risc World this issue (the fame! imagine it!) maybe they could do an article on it...

Actually, I remain confident that the Omega will appear before the end of December. And if it doesn't, David Atkins had better watch his back tongue

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moss Message #2893, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2892


Hinting at a DVD capability, and saying they have donated to charity to thank everyone for their support. They've got it working with 1Gb of memory. I feel quite guilty about my misgivings over the past month...

My stomach may yet be saved! smile

[Edited by moss at 11:43, 3/12/2001]

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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #2894, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2893
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266

My stomach may yet be saved! smile

Ain't gonna happen! wink

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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #2891, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2890
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
Cold you see fit to do it in a public place - I'll get my camera ready grin

(that'll teach you to be an optimist!)


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moss Message #2890, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2889
Unregistered user If the Omega doesn't appear by the end of the month...

...yuck, my stomach doesn't feel too good unhappy

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moss Message #2897, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2895
Unregistered user
Wouldn't that money be better spent actually getting Omega onto our desks?

I think it's to appease people who feel it's unfair that Microdigital have been getting interest on their money. I don't really think that the Omega is more important than Cancer research...

...although getting me out of computer eating is. Come on Microdigital, you say you've got a surprise for Christmas... PLEASE! smile

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moss Message #2898, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2896
Unregistered user
But I said I'd eat my Omega if it DID arrive.......

I'd forgotton about that... smile Seriously, if the Omega arrives we'll all be too busy playing with it to worry about that. If it doesn't arrive, then me eating my RiscPC will be the most interesting thing going on in RISC OS land smile

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monkeyson Message #2901, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2897
Unregistered user
...although getting me out of computer eating is. Come on Microdigital, you say you've got a surprise for Christmas... PLEASE! smile

They haven't said it will be a NICE surprise....

But I am hopeful, and am getting my eating computer puns ready.

#1: Does it come with chips?

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rich Message #2902, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2900
Unregistered user
Nope, saying "DVD drive option"
But the news item links it to the image processor: "Those of you who read the Image processor specification posted the other week will be pleased to read that we are now offering a DVD ROM drive option." I took this to mean he was hinting that eventually (with the right software) the Omega will have a DVD facility.
Yeah, but there's a lot of qualifiers - "I took this", "eventually", "with the right software"... Let me put it this way, as I have once before about some forthcoming MicroDigital hardware - don't hold your breath! smile
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moss Message #2903, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2902
Unregistered user
Yeah, but there's a lot of qualifiers - "I took this", "eventually", "with the right software"... Let me put it this way, as I have once before about some forthcoming MicroDigital hardware - don't hold your breath! smile

Well, I didn't assume it was shipping with DVD capability - I just meant the article hinted that later on it's a real possibility. (Possibility... hmmm, you are right about how I'm phrasing this - maybe I should write for Microdigital.)

I don't care as long as the machine arrives this month. Hear that. THIS MONTH. PLEASE. unhappy

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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #2904, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2903
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266

I don't care as long as the machine arrives this month. Hear that. THIS MONTH. PLEASE. unhappy

Crunch. Crunch. Munch.


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The Icon Bar: General: Birmingham show