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The Icon Bar: General: Risc PC questions
  Risc PC questions
  (09:10 4/12/2001)
  guy (14:30 21/12/2001)
    RevinKevin (20:49 21/12/2001)
      Guy (17:27 4/1/2002)
        RevinKevin (17:57 4/1/2002)
        rich (17:48 5/1/2002)
      guy (13:58 15/6/2002)
  rich (13:58 15/6/2002)
  TheDoctor (13:58 15/6/2002)
    Guy (13:58 15/6/2002)
  john (13:58 15/6/2002)
Guy Message #2906, posted at 09:10, 4/12/2001
Unregistered user Some minor queries from the proud new owner of a secondhand RPC600 with RO3.5:

- can I stand the case on its side? (looking at the ventilation, I'd guess not).

- Can I stand the monitor on top? (the rpc case's inner divider/support is plastic, ooer).

- when it first boots I get a plain grey desktop and a shaded 3-d effect acorn icon. Then the textured desktop boots but the acorn icon goes flat green. How can I keep it 3-D? (please bear in mind I am as yet lost amomg the !Boot structure).

Thanks in adavnce for any help.

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guy Message #2910, posted at 14:30, 21/12/2001, in reply to message #2906
Unregistered user ooer one new problem.
The CD drive no longer reads CD's (what do you expect for ninety-five quid, eh?).
It went through a brief phase of reading/rejecting them at random, but now it always says the CD is not present or unreadable.
Can it be replaced by any standard form-factor CD-ROM drive?
This is my first CD player of any description, so I don't know where to begin.
Any suggestions?
(and before you ask, "swapp it with John's working drive before he eats it" is not acceptable).
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RevinKevin Message #2911, posted at 20:49, 21/12/2001, in reply to message #2910
Unregistered user
ooer one new problem.
The CD drive no longer reads CD's (what do you expect for ninety-five quid, eh?).
It went through a brief phase of reading/rejecting them at random, but now it always says the CD is not present or unreadable.
Can it be replaced by any standard form-factor CD-ROM drive?
This is my first CD player of any description, so I don't know where to begin.
Any suggestions?
(and before you ask, "swapp it with John's working drive before he eats it" is not acceptable).

Mine went after a year I replaced it with a newer one.

Try one of the Risc Os dealers. They are quite well priced and getting faster all the time

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Guy Message #2913, posted at 17:27, 4/1/2002, in reply to message #2911
Unregistered user
Mine went after a year I replaced it with a newer one.
Oh look, I am about to get a spare CD-ROM drive from a dying PC. Will it neatly replace the dead one in my RPC, or are there jumper links or non-standard standards to look out for?
It's from an H-P multimedia box and has a funny sculpted plastic fascia.
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RevinKevin Message #2914, posted at 17:57, 4/1/2002, in reply to message #2913
Unregistered user You can't lose much in trying just make sure the slave is the right way.
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rich Message #2915, posted at 17:48, 5/1/2002, in reply to message #2913
Unregistered user
Oh look, I am about to get a spare CD-ROM drive from a dying PC. Will it neatly replace the dead one in my RPC, or are there jumper links or non-standard standards to look out for?
It's from an H-P multimedia box and has a funny sculpted plastic fascia.
I've had great problems with getting PC CD-ROM drives to work in a standard RiscPC. After buying three that didn't work, I found that Creative Labs drives (the people wot did Soundblaster sound cards) seem to work well - I have an off-the-shelf (or website at least) 52x in my current RPC.
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rich Message #2907, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2906
Unregistered user
can I stand the case on its side? (looking at the ventilation, I'd guess not).
I have for some time, although you really should use the feet that came with it originally to increase the clearance and so allow better ventilation.

Can I stand the monitor on top? (the rpc case's inner divider/support is plastic, ooer).
With no problems - I've stacked bigger monitors than the 14" that came with on mine, with no problems. It's the same plastic as riot shields are/were made of, so it's quite tough (apart from the bit that holds the spring so the front flap stays up)

when it first boots I get a plain grey desktop and a shaded 3-d effect acorn icon. Then the textured desktop boots but the acorn icon goes flat green. How can I keep it 3-D? (please bear in mind I am as yet lost amomg the !Boot structure).
Sounds like at some point a different sprite is being loaded. Find a new icon pack on the 'Net that has a task switcher icon you like and use that instead smile
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TheDoctor Message #2908, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2906
Unregistered user Hi,
You certainly can stand the case on it's side providing you use the feet which allegedly come with it.
I have three RPC's and have never seen a single foot let alone the four needed.
However, you will find that four sensibly placed Lego bricks glued onto the side of the case should do the trick.

Also, you are only supposed to stand the machine on it's right side as this aids the flow of the hot air from the machin
e.That said though, we have one downstairs on the left side for ages now. No problems as yet.

There is a maximum specified weight limit for monitors on top of the case, but I can't remember what it is.
Either way, I think my sister has exceeded it with her 17" Belinea with no know ill effects as yet.
Hers is a single slice machine. Not sure about the 2 slice jobbies.

Finally, RISCOS4 should your Acorn icon troubles as it replaces it with a nice looking Cube!

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Guy Message #2909, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2908
Unregistered user When I stood it on its side the CDs fell out of the tray. monkey
When I put my nice sturdy Iiyama on it, it bowed ominously -underneath as well as on top. unhappy
Solved the case problem by sitting the printer on it 8|

Icons? RTFM I suppose. indiff indiff

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guy Message #2912, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2911
Unregistered user
Try one of the Risc Os dealers. They are quite well priced and getting faster all the time
Thanks. but I prefer my dealers slow and reliable wink
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john Message #2916, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #2906
Unregistered user Gosh, reading some of the messages here I'd think we need a disclaimer on the site!
Some minor queries from the proud new owner of a secondhand RPC600 with RO3.5:

- can I stand the case on its side? (looking at the ventilation, I'd guess not).

Yes, *only* on the right side, with the feet, and it should be 2 slice if you want it to be stable. RPC ventilation is bad enough as it is, cauing things like hard discs to run right at the edge of their spec in the warm. There are some suggested improvements to actually make the psu fan effective, but I can't remember exactly what off and.

- Can I stand the monitor on top? (the rpc case's inner divider/support is plastic, ooer).

In the welcome guide it says a limit, can't remember what but basically it means 15" is ok if it's not a brick, but no 17", all IIRC!

- when it first boots I get a plain grey desktop and a shaded 3-d effect acorn icon. Then the textured desktop boots but the acorn icon goes flat green. How can I keep it 3-D? (please bear in mind I am as yet lost amomg the !Boot structure).

Well that'd be something overriding it, RISC OS 4 can prevent that wink but as you are I'd get a fresh !Boot, possibly from the AU200 CD, or I think there's one on ROL's site, http://acorn.riscos.com/ somewhere, download the universal boot somwhere in utilities IIRC and stick it on your hard disc after moving the old stuff out of the way of course.

Thanks in adavnce for any help.


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The Icon Bar: General: Risc PC questions