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The Icon Bar: General: Desktop Themes
  Desktop Themes
  rich (16:34 16/5/2001)
   (01:43 23/5/2001)
     (09:17 23/5/2001)
   (21:41 17/6/2001)
     (11:28 18/6/2001)
   (22:16 11/7/2001)
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           (13:58 15/6/2002)
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           (11:55 1/7/2001)
             (22:02 11/7/2001)
               (17:44 14/8/2001)
           (08:45 12/7/2001)
rich Message #5245, posted at 16:34, 16/5/2001
Unregistered user Hi,

the Themes site now has a newer version of the desktop themes manager, a couple of themes (Clear and Dark Angel) in the standard display format, and documentation on making desktop themes.

Everything's still in beta, so I haven't made a formal announcement on the TIB front page; please feel free to test and make comments though!



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DavidE Message #5246, posted at 01:43, 23/5/2001, in reply to message #5245
Unregistered user

Everything's still in beta, so I haven't made a formal announcement on the TIB front page; please feel free to test and make comments though!

Do you want comments here, or by email?


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rich Message #5247, posted at 09:17, 23/5/2001, in reply to message #5246
Unregistered user Whichever. Email's probably quicker though.
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spencekr Message #5248, posted at 21:41, 17/6/2001, in reply to message #5245
Unregistered user Very impressed and using all themes on Two RPCs under RO 3.7.
I have a "UserName" switching system which Saves/reloads Pinboard/FilerOpenWindows/ScreenMode for each User so can resume that user within/across Riscos system-load sessions.
Now, by Saving/Reloading Theme's Default file for each user, each user can have his/her own theme restored each time that user is entered. This doesn't effect the standard use of the Theme System, whose standard !ThemeConf I've made visible thru a shortcut in Apps.
I guess that !ThemeMonitor detects a screen redraw and uses the current Default file which is just great for changing user "Pinboards etc".
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Matthias Message #5249, posted at 11:28, 18/6/2001, in reply to message #5248
Unregistered user
I guess that !ThemeMonitor detects a screen redraw and uses the current Default file which is just great for changing user "Pinboards etc".

The only drawback of this method is, that every single tasking app forces you to wait for that redraw after quitting it.

But all in all - it's a really nice system.

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rich Message #5252, posted at 16:40, 19/6/2001, in reply to message #5251
Unregistered user
Can Themes run on the earlier versions of RISCOS 3.7 (ie without latest window manager etc) or perhaps more simply, What's the min platform spec for running Themes?
I'm pretty sure you can theme any RISC OS 3 machine.

WRT the Themes program I've written, it's designed for RiscPCs with the new !Boot sequence, but I've had emails from people who have got it working on A5000s etc. (just set choices$write to point to the directory containing the themes directory - usually !Boot.Choices.Themes). Be wary of the themes on my sites with new format, high colour sprites though.

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spencekr Message #5254, posted at 11:04, 22/6/2001, in reply to message #5253
Unregistered user Two points:
1. Could Themes in future point to external sources of Sprites, Tools. Tiles etc.

In this way
1.1 themes could share some of their sprites/ tiles etc thus avoiding replication.

1.2 themes could use sprite/ tools files in common RISCOS resources such as

or even the Browser Skins??

2. There needs to be a standard for Themes Data (Srites etc), such that,say Sprites or Tools always have the same items (sprites in this case) covered. At present loading one theme can leave sprites from a previosly loaded theme active. Given that themes can be loaded in any order, the visual effect can in part be random.

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spencekr Message #5255, posted at 13:28, 22/6/2001, in reply to message #5253
Unregistered user Are Themes and the various browser Skins integrates as yet?

I cant get the Themes-Clear to invoke Oregano Theme (Skin) Clear

I have placed the Oregano Clear files inside Themes.Data.Clear.Apps.Oregano

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owengriffin Message #5256, posted at 11:55, 1/7/2001, in reply to message #5255
Unregistered user Is anyone but the Richard Goodwin doing any themes?
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spencekr Message #5257, posted at 22:02, 11/7/2001, in reply to message #5256
Unregistered user
Is anyone but the Richard Goodwin doing any themes?

Well... I've done some 3D-ish directory Icons (open/ closed) which match the BlueBirdy windows tools!? (well I think so)- Anyway Richard isn't the only author!


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spencekr Message #5258, posted at 22:16, 11/7/2001, in reply to message #5245
Unregistered user How to switch on menu tiling under Riscos 3.7?

The rather splendid documentation, in refering to Tiles for menus, says they can be switched on under RISCOS 4. The only way I can find of switching on menu tiles (ie Tiles_m etc) under Riscos 3.7 is to use !3DPatch version 1.66 7th March 1997 © Matthew Bullock- freeware. This version is compatibe with Windowmanager 3.98.

Any views on this?

[Edited by spencekr at 23:17, 11/7/2001]

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rich Message #5260, posted at 08:45, 12/7/2001, in reply to message #5255
Unregistered user
Are Themes and the various browser Skins integrates as yet?

I cant get the Themes-Clear to invoke Oregano Theme (Skin) Clear

I have placed the Oregano Clear files inside Themes.Data.Clear.Apps.Oregano

Without work from the author of the separate skinnable programs you'll never get this kind of integration. And let's face it, I haven't yet finished the themes program so why should Oregan etc. even know about it, let alone bother to support it?

Cerilica Vantage has themes support by looking at a system variable on startup and attempting to load any matching resources - either from within Vantage itself (i.e. "official" themes) or inside the theme manager (probably only unofficial themes). This system does not support switching when a theme changes, it only works on whatever's set when Vantage is loaded, but it does mean that skinning is possible simply by adding a line or two to the !Run file. I think this is how most companies or individuals will choose to support themes if they support them at all.

I have spoken to other people about, for instance, auto-switching DigitalCD skins when a theme is switched, and there's kind of a mechanism in there; but this might require more work, for instance having a front-end so the user can specify a program skin to match the desktop theme (e.g. load Sonicated skin when using the Matrix theme)

I really should get this finished; I've got a couple of weeks off coming up, so I might try and nail this on the head.

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spencekr Message #5261, posted at 09:32, 12/7/2001, in reply to message #5258
Unregistered user Under RO 3.7, is there a way of switching on textured menus, whilst retaining readability of text on the pinboard?

Under RO 3.7 and with !3dPatch v1.66 in use, the text associated with ICONS on the pinboard/ backdrop, is difficult to read as it is white with a transparent background. This is especially true if the text colour is over a white area in a backdrop picture.

Under RO 3.7, to activate menus with a textured background (ie Tile_m etc), I have been using !3dPatch Version 1.66 (7th March 1997) from Matthew Bullock. This patch enables Menus to be textured in the same way directory windows, ICON bar and pinboard can be.

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Matthias Message #5262, posted at 17:44, 14/8/2001, in reply to message #5257
Unregistered user Ken R Space, regarding your directory[o] sprites -

Would you please contact me: mso@flying-bits.de ? Maybe I can include the sprites in the bb theme?

THX in advance

[Edited by Matthias at 15:37, 15/8/2001]

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Matthias Message #5263, posted at 17:50, 14/8/2001, in reply to message #5261
Unregistered user Just a general question:

How can I design tools with a graphical element staying fixed to the middle of a scroll bar (e.g. a knob or so)? RISC OS only has vbart - vbarmid - vbarb, not vbarcapt - vbart - vbarmid - vbarb - vbarcapb or something like that.

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rich Message #5264, posted at 08:30, 15/8/2001, in reply to message #5263
Unregistered user I don't think you can - the middle bit is always tiled if the bar gets long. You can add larger caps to make it look like the middle section is less important, but they tend to overlap at small sizes. I don't think you can ever have just one small graphic sitting in the middle of the tool bar.
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rich Message #5253, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #5252
Unregistered user Perhaps I should have said, any RISC OS 3 machine memory permitting smile
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spencekr Message #5251, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #5245
Unregistered user Can Themes run on the earlier versions of RISCOS 3.7 (ie without latest window manager etc) or perhaps more simply, What's the min platform spec for running Themes?
Ken smile
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spencekr Message #5250, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #5245
Unregistered user Are there known WWW sites that have Wimp Toolsets Sprites etc than can be used in Theme construction.? smile
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rich Message #5259, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #5254
Unregistered user
Two points:
1. Could Themes in future point to external sources of Sprites, Tools. Tiles etc.

Not without a proper system of symlinks under RISC OS unhappy

or even the Browser Skins??

Not really a great deal of replication between different programs - after all, if the OS handles the window backgrounds, that's already done and doesn't need duplication in the program anyway.

2. There needs to be a standard for Themes Data (Srites etc), such that,say Sprites or Tools always have the same items (sprites in this case) covered. At present loading one theme can leave sprites from a previosly loaded theme active. Given that themes can be loaded in any order, the visual effect can in part be random.

It's only a problem when you run multiple themes in the same session - if you switch themes, find one you like and reboot, it's no big.

The problem I have is that someone's always going to do more or less work than the "average" (whatever that might be), and I don't want to discourage designers by saying "you MUST include a full set of filer icons, pointers, etc. etc." If someone wants to use the themes system to simply distribute backdrops, that's fine by me but might cause problems when people experiment.

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Matthias Message #5265, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #5264
Unregistered user There must be a workaround... I've seen a screenshot of such a toolset some days ago, but don't remember the URL to contact the author unhappy ...


BTW: I intend to create a new theme. The new one shall catch the style of flying-bits.de, my new project...

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The Icon Bar: General: Desktop Themes