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The Icon Bar: General: Top Model
  Top Model
  andrew (22:56 25/9/2001)
   (08:25 26/9/2001)
     (16:35 26/9/2001)
       (08:46 27/9/2001)
       (19:34 27/9/2001)
         (13:58 15/6/2002)
           (13:07 28/9/2001)
             (17:49 28/9/2001)
               (22:52 28/9/2001)
andrew Message #5378, posted at 22:56, 25/9/2001
Unregistered user Hi,

I've been asking Cerilica recently about TopModel and it's future and of course they have to deal with the launch of Vantage first but how many other people are there who are using TopModel and are eager to see the new upgrades and new package?
Surely this is a key product addressing a major area of modern computing?



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johnstlr Message #5379, posted at 08:25, 26/9/2001, in reply to message #5378
Unregistered user I'm interested, although I'll be heavily influenced by the final pricing scheme as I've already spent around £250 on it and the various CDs. I'd need to see a significant upgrade in order to spend much more on it (the animation and bones plugins would be very persuasive).
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andrew Message #5380, posted at 16:35, 26/9/2001, in reply to message #5379
Unregistered user Lee- the pricing is on Cerilica's site I believe and it seems quite reasonable.

I have avoided buying the CD's after Cerilica's announcement but I am extremely eager to know roughly when it might be released.
Cerilica are dealing with Vantage at the moment but surely there are other RISC OS users besides myself and Lee who would prefer the release to be as soon as possible?
I know of a number of keen users: Max Palmer, Nathan Atkinson, myself and Lee.
There must be more who read this forum.


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johnstlr Message #5381, posted at 08:46, 27/9/2001, in reply to message #5380
Unregistered user Ahh...I didn't see the bit about the upgrade price, although arguably the only thing I'd gain is the 2.50 engine and the improved manual. Mind you if the manual is improved it could be worth it on it's own.

I'd need to see a complete list of changes but, at that price, I can't see I'd have too much to complain about.

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mike Message #5382, posted at 19:34, 27/9/2001, in reply to message #5380
Unregistered user
I am extremely eager to know roughly when it might be released.

Yes, same here. My parents said they would get me it for my birthday back in March. I have been promised it as my (late) birthday present ever since.

Anyway, last time I asked Cerilica, (about 3 weeks ago) they said:

"We still hope to have Cerilica TopModel at least on display at the forthcoming Bracknell show on 20/21 Oct."


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andrew Message #5384, posted at 13:07, 28/9/2001, in reply to message #5383
Unregistered user Michael - you could buy it now then upgrade. I think you'd still enjoy it although maybe that's a bit uneconomical.

Rich - which bitmap effects generator?
I'm hoping for some more lens-flare effects in new versions and I was going to start a thread asking about lens-flare capabilities of Photodesk as I notice Photoshop can generate them.

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mike Message #5385, posted at 17:49, 28/9/2001, in reply to message #5384
Unregistered user
Michael - you could buy it now then upgrade. I think you'd still enjoy it although maybe that's a bit uneconomical.

I had thought of that but the old TopModel2 costs about 145 UKP and Cerilica's version is going to be about 120 pounds. It is Cerilica's price that my parents will pay. There is a 40 pound upgrade price as well.

Also TopModel will be my first experience of 3D modelling and I have read that the manual supplied with the old version is difficult to understand. It was mainly because of Cerilica's plan to release TopModel with good tutorials and manual that made me decide to get it in the first place.



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andrew Message #5386, posted at 22:52, 28/9/2001, in reply to message #5385
Unregistered user Yes the manual has a couple of mistakes but I find the problem is that it doesn't explain the features well enough.

I really hope the upgrade is on sale at the RISC OS show although that might be a bit too hopeful.


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rich Message #5383, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #5382
Unregistered user I think they're concentrating on getting Vantage up to scratch first, seeing as they hadn't tested it on RISC OS 4 and it appears not to work properly. Once that's done and dusted other products can get more attention.

That's the problem with relying on small software houses with limited programming resources. However the alternatives - a lot of sloppy programs, or no programs at all - are far worse, and Cerilica are quite brave to take such a non-commercial decision to make sure they've got one product right before moving on to the other.

However, I want to see that bitmap effects generator (that was on display at one of the shows) for sale! smile

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The Icon Bar: General: Top Model