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The Icon Bar: General: Printing postscript
  Printing postscript
  monkeyson (17:24 10/8/2001)
   (13:58 15/6/2002)
     (10:02 26/11/2001)
monkeyson Message #5433, posted at 17:24, 10/8/2001
Unregistered user I'm using the generic postscript printer driver, printing to a file, to create postscript documents that I can print at uni.

The problem is the use of fonts. Trinity, Homerton and Corpus work fine - they have direct Postscript equivalents.

Is there any way I can use RISC OS fonts (of the iSV ilk) without converting them to outlines?

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monkeyson Message #5435, posted at 10:02, 26/11/2001, in reply to message #5434
Unregistered user I seem to have solved it, but I don't know how!

The printer driver on my A3010 refused to produce postscript with embedded fonts. However, the *VERY SAME* printer driver copied across to my A5000 does infact WORK!!!

That confuses me. But it also makes me happy.

Oh, and I have also discovered that the MakePSFont module requires the fonts on disc to be filetyped Font, not whatever iSV on their font cd have them to be filetyped. I discovered this after producing PostScript, travelling six miles to print it, saying "ARRRRRRRGH! It's all worked apart from that one flipping font!", going back another six miles, discovering the filetype problem, fixing it, redoing the postscript, driving another six miles, printing it, saying "HUZZAH!" and "Why couldn't it do that the first time?".

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geoff_youngs Message #5434, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #5433
Unregistered user In theory the PS printer driver should convert any RISC OS fonts used to postscript fonts...

<fx: checks>

...it works OK here - fonts are automatically converted to PS fonts definitions so that the text is printed as text in the given font. (Rather than individual vector objects)

Try checking you've got the latest version of Printers (I've just checked it works with 1.64 here, but it should work with earlier versions as well).

The other route is to use !FontPrint (should have come with Printers) to map RISC OS fonts to PS fonts on the printer. I haven't managed to get it to work here though unhappy

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The Icon Bar: General: Printing postscript