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The Icon Bar: Site Comments: Forum comments vs News comments
  Forum comments vs News comments
  (12:37 16/4/2002)
  alpha (15:38 16/4/2002)
    mavhc (17:29 16/4/2002)
      ToiletDuck (13:58 15/6/2002)
        alpha (14:06 17/4/2002)
          moss (14:08 17/4/2002)
            [mentat] (13:58 15/6/2002)
              Phlamethrower (15:42 17/4/2002)
                moss (15:45 17/4/2002)
                  rich (13:58 15/6/2002)
                    mavhc (13:58 15/6/2002)
                      rich (13:58 15/6/2002)
                        mavhc (02:14 23/4/2002)
                          rich (13:58 15/6/2002)
                        moss (13:58 15/6/2002)
                          rich (13:58 15/6/2002)
                            Hertzsprung (13:58 15/6/2002)
                            alpha (13:58 15/6/2002)
                              Phlamethrower (16:09 22/4/2002)
    [mentat] (13:58 15/6/2002)
mavhc Message #6102, posted at 12:37, 16/4/2002
Unregistered user Why are there two systems? Specifically no ability to reply and quote to a news comment.
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alpha Message #6103, posted at 15:38, 16/4/2002, in reply to message #6102
Unregistered user They serve different purposes. The news comment system isn't threaded which is why there isn't a 'reply' link after each comment (and hence why there isn't a reply and quote option).
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mavhc Message #6105, posted at 17:29, 16/4/2002, in reply to message #6103
Unregistered user
They serve different purposes. The news comment system isn't threaded which is why there isn't a 'reply' link after each comment (and hence why there isn't a reply and quote option).
But as we end up having discussions in the news comments section I feel it would be useful
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alpha Message #6107, posted at 14:06, 17/4/2002, in reply to message #6106
Unregistered user That's possible, yes. Would that be better? People would then have to register to post comments (as registration is required for the forums).
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moss Message #6108, posted at 14:08, 17/4/2002, in reply to message #6107
Unregistered user Yes, I think that's a *really* good idea. It solves a few problems, all in one go.
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Phlamethrower Message #6110, posted at 15:42, 17/4/2002, in reply to message #6109
Unregistered user You could create an 'anonymous' forum member, and then when posting a reply a topic in the news forum an extra option is available in order to post it as anonymous.
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moss Message #6111, posted at 15:45, 17/4/2002, in reply to message #6110
Unregistered user The problem I always have with anonymous postings isn't the fact that they're anonymous, but you can't tell them apart!
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Phlamethrower Message #6119, posted at 16:09, 22/4/2002, in reply to message #6118
Unregistered user 5. Scrap the news comments system and integrate it into the forums, with the ability for anonymous postings (To news forum only)
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mavhc Message #6120, posted at 02:14, 23/4/2002, in reply to message #6114
Unregistered user

Anonymous coward 1, Anonymous coward 2 etc,

But unless they were allowed to enter an abitrary part of the name, we'de have to snoop some info off them - e.g. IP address - to make that differentiation. Then it would be a simple matter to tie that info back to the sender, and bang goes anonymity.

But you don't have to register under a real name.

You know what would be fun? Getting the ips of the anonymous postings to iconbar/drobe and matching them with irc/newsgroups then posting the author's names.

I know how you spend Wednesday nights then!
Pfft, I get them ages before Sky, and most people in the USA too, worth watching again though.
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rich Message #6121, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6120
Unregistered user
You know what would be fun? Getting the ips of the anonymous postings to iconbar/drobe and matching them with irc/newsgroups then posting the author's names.
Yeeesss... that's not really what anonymous posting is about, is it? smile
I know how you spend Wednesday nights then!
Pfft, I get them ages before Sky, and most people in the USA too, worth watching again though.
Ooh, how? I have a large hard drive and anonymous FTP upload facilities... wink

Seen the article in Arena? Mmm, Jennifer Garner...

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alpha Message #6118, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6116
Unregistered user Ok, options:
  1. Keep the current system
  2. Move the system I implemented on another site over to TIB, where anyone can post comments to news items (registered or non-registered), but the news items can be set to only allow comments from registered users if the anonymous comments start getting out of hand, or comments can be disabled completely.
  3. Keep the current system but display part of the user's hostname for anonymous users (e.g. <tt>*.lancs.ac.uk</tt>wink
  4. Scrap the news comments system and integrate it into the forums

Have I missed anything?

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Hertzsprung Message #6117, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6116
Unregistered user Sticky end of the stick? tongue
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rich Message #6116, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6115
Unregistered user Unless we go the whole hog and use a Slashdot-style moderation system. Which I wouldn't like to have to implement! (Of course, it'd probably be Tim who gets the sticky end of the stick, I'm just saying I wouldn't like to be the one to do it! wink )
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moss Message #6115, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6114
Unregistered user Hmmm - I see what the problem is now with anonymous postings smile I suppose it's up to the anonymous person to identify themselves - such as GuestX, etc - rather than TIB...

To be honest, I now can't see how the system could be changed for the better. Just let people post however they like, and we can judge whether their comments have any validity or not depending on their comment and how they present themselves smile

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rich Message #6114, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6113
Unregistered user

Er, but if you could tell them apart they wouldn't be anonymous wink

Anonymous coward 1, Anonymous coward 2 etc,

But unless they were allowed to enter an abitrary part of the name, we'de have to snoop some info off them - e.g. IP address - to make that differentiation. Then it would be a simple matter to tie that info back to the sender, and bang goes anonymity.

or just require people to use an alias, Kate Jones or something

I know how you spend Wednesday nights then!

Frankly the validity of Anonymous comments is so low it's best just to ignore them.

*Some* guest postings can be annoying, but Anonymous isn't abused as much as you have to be a logged in user who specifically switches on anonymity.

I want to keep the system fairly open (or at least get the cookie issue fixed) so that we don't discourage legitimate posters. And the anonymity function allows people with inside info who don't want their names to be revealed to post without fear of recrimination. Anyone have suggestions how to keep the best mix of legibility and openness? Perhaps have a small box so people can have Guest [xyz] next to their postings?

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mavhc Message #6113, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6112
Unregistered user
The problem I always have with anonymous postings isn't the fact that they're anonymous, but you can't tell them apart!

Er, but if you could tell them apart they wouldn't be anonymous wink

Anonymous coward 1, Anonymous coward 2 etc, or just require people to use an alias, Kate Jones or something

Frankly the validity of Anonymous comments is so low it's best just to ignore them.

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rich Message #6112, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6111
Unregistered user
The problem I always have with anonymous postings isn't the fact that they're anonymous, but you can't tell them apart!
Er, but if you could tell them apart they wouldn't be anonymous wink
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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #6109, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6108
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
Get's my vote grin
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Mark Quint Message #6106, posted by ToiletDuck at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6105
Ooh ducky!Quack Quack
Posts: 1016
Perhaps there should be a 'News' forum?
then there can be a thread for each topic grin
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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #6104, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6103
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
I don't mind it the way it is at the moment, except maybe a "new comment since last logged in" icon would be useful.

You can always copy and paste text and then quote it... shock

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The Icon Bar: Site Comments: Forum comments vs News comments