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The Icon Bar: Site Comments: Info thing on front page
  Info thing on front page
  (16:52 21/5/2002)
  xyzzy (00:37 22/5/2002)
    Matthew (13:58 15/6/2002)
      rich (13:58 15/6/2002)
        alpha (11:42 22/5/2002)
          rich (12:57 22/5/2002)
            Phlamethrower (13:26 22/5/2002)
            alpha (14:31 22/5/2002)
              Phlamethrower (13:58 15/6/2002)
        Matthew (15:56 22/5/2002)
        [mentat] (13:58 15/6/2002)
          rich (13:58 15/6/2002)
            [mentat] (13:58 15/6/2002)
        rich (13:58 15/6/2002)
          Phlamethrower (13:58 15/6/2002)
            moss (13:58 15/6/2002)
              rich (13:58 15/6/2002)
                moss (13:58 15/6/2002)
                  [mentat] (13:58 15/6/2002)
                    [mentat] (13:58 15/6/2002)
                      rich (13:58 15/6/2002)
                        [mentat] (13:58 15/6/2002)
                          Hertzsprung (13:58 15/6/2002)
                            rich (13:58 15/6/2002)
  Phlamethrower (13:58 15/6/2002)
    moss (17:27 21/5/2002)
      Phlamethrower (17:48 21/5/2002)
        moss (17:52 21/5/2002)
          Matthew (13:58 15/6/2002)
            moss (13:58 15/6/2002)
rich Message #6314, posted at 16:52, 21/5/2002
Unregistered user Hi,

look for names of prominant companies and chances are they'll have a little [?] next to them. Clicking on the question mark brings up a (window using JavaScript) that gives you info on that company, or a major product.

What do people think about it? Too intrusive? Too subtle? Why do we have nasty javascript on our front pages? Let me know.

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moss Message #6316, posted at 17:27, 21/5/2002, in reply to message #6315
Unregistered user
The info seems OK, but I'm not too sure about having [?]'s next to each keyword. How about some kind of different style of link, i.e. green text?
That would be impossible without using CSS, surely - unless I'm wrong again...
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Phlamethrower Message #6317, posted at 17:48, 21/5/2002, in reply to message #6316
Unregistered user TIB does use CSS, doesn't it?

Quote TIB page header:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/alpha-board/options/style-win.css">
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moss Message #6318, posted at 17:52, 21/5/2002, in reply to message #6317
Unregistered user
TIB does use CSS, doesn't it?

Quote TIB page header:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/alpha-board/options/style-win.css">
Yes, but it doesn't soley use CSS. I suppose what I'm saying is that I don't know how many RISC OS browsers would show it - I'm guessing the new version of Webster XL would, but I don't *think* Oregano would... I may be wrong though.

It doesn't really matter, I suppose - it would just come out as normal blue on other browsers...

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xyzzy Message #6319, posted at 00:37, 22/5/2002, in reply to message #6314
Unregistered user I don't like the question marks. They make it look as though someone's not sure what they're talking about (which doesn't seem right for TIB).

Asterisks would seem more understandable so the popping up info would act as a footnote or endnote.

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alpha Message #6327, posted at 11:42, 22/5/2002, in reply to message #6322
Unregistered user
And could we have something like:

< a href="infopage" target="_blank" onClick="window.open(etc.)" >*< /a >

so that it works if you don't have JavaScript?

No. I tested this on non-Acorn browsers yesterday and it doesn't work - MIE opens both pages.

It doesn't? I always use that method and I've never had any problems (and I use MSIE for all my browsing)...

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rich Message #6328, posted at 12:57, 22/5/2002, in reply to message #6327
Unregistered user
It doesn't? I always use that method and I've never had any problems (and I use MSIE for all my browsing)...
I tried it when I was first adding the code because it was an easy hack - after all, it's going to the same link, so it's a cut and paste job. MSIE 6/Win2000 opened up a new window for the popup and then the main window changed to the plain URL. Perhaps it's because I always put targets at the end of an < a href... > tag, but if so it's a pretty obscure bug!
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Phlamethrower Message #6329, posted at 13:26, 22/5/2002, in reply to message #6328
Unregistered user
I tried it when I was first adding the code because it was an easy hack - after all, it's going to the same link, so it's a cut and paste job. MSIE 6/Win2000 opened up a new window for the popup and then the main window changed to the plain URL. Perhaps it's because I always put targets at the end of an < a href... > tag, but if so it's a pretty obscure bug!

What other type of bug do you expect Microsoft to put in their software?

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alpha Message #6333, posted at 14:31, 22/5/2002, in reply to message #6328
Unregistered user The code I use is on http://forums.inspiredgaming.com/post.php for the 'view smileys' link - works fine in MSIE here (small window), and opens a full window if JS is disabled.
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Matthew Message #6342, posted at 15:56, 22/5/2002, in reply to message #6322
Unregistered user
And could we have something like:

< a href="infopage" target="_blank" onClick="window.open(etc.)" >*< /a >

so that it works if you don't have JavaScript?

No. I tested this on non-Acorn browsers yesterday and it doesn't work - MIE opens both pages.

Well, I said "something like", as I didn't have time to check it precisely; you could put a "return false;" after the window.open, which would sort that behaviour. But be sure to read Jim Ley's (the comp.lang.javascript FAQ maintainer) post on opening new windows - sometimes windows.open is blocked which is why I missed off the return false; but I obviously didn't read his carefully enough.

That's not to say I won't change my mind if people come along and say now that they're /not/ fine with JS... (i.e. speak now folks, or forever hold your piece^H^H^H^H^Hpeace).

I just think that any site should have all things that it possibly can working without JavaScript, especially a RISC OS site seeing as quite a number of people still use Browse...

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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #6339, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6338
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
Ooh, you've made the javascript windows nicer too... smile

Mmm... not recently...?

OK, nicer than yesterday... or something. Or maybe I was using Fresco last time I looked indiff No, wait... D'oh!

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rich Message #6338, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6337
Unregistered user
Ooh, you've made the javascript windows nicer too... smile
Mmm... not recently...?
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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #6337, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6336
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
Ooh, you've made the javascript windows nicer too... smile
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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #6336, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6335
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
Not bad! wink
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Hertzsprung Message #6340, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6339
Unregistered user Mmm. I like them. They take a bit of getting used to, though. Could we have an index of the companies? smile
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rich Message #6341, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6340
Unregistered user
Mmm. I like them. They take a bit of getting used to, though.
Ta. Yes, it's a bit strange at first, and thank goodness I found a way of restricting it to the first match only!
Could we have an index of the companies? smile
One of the things I'll be writing is a "browse all entries" thingy. It'll be quite ease really as I need to do something similar for the editor smile
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moss Message #6335, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6334
Unregistered user
Okay, see what you think. It's KonBar blue because proper dark blue looked really overpowering.
I like it smile
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rich Message #6334, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6332
Unregistered user

Now I'm thinking that a little white "i" on a blue background would be nicer - a tiny little image should do the trick...

Very nice cool

Yes, I like that idea gringringrin

Okay, see what you think. It's KonBar blue because proper dark blue looked really overpowering.
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Phlamethrower Message #6343, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6333
Unregistered user
The code I use is on http://forums.inspiredgaming.com/post.php for the 'view smileys' link - works fine in MSIE here (small window), and opens a full window if JS is disabled.

Works fine here (IE 5.5). Those forums seem a bit familiar wink

And the little i's look fine smile

(Say, could add a :i: smiley wink)

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moss Message #6332, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6331
Unregistered user
Now I'm thinking that a little white "i" on a blue background would be nicer - a tiny little image should do the trick...

Very nice cool

Yes, I like that idea gringringrin
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Phlamethrower Message #6331, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6330
Unregistered user
Now I'm thinking that a little white "i" on a blue background would be nicer - a tiny little image should do the trick...

Very nice cool

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rich Message #6330, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6322
Unregistered user
I like asterisks, maybe even with a sup element to really make them footnote-y. smile
Okay, done (well, give me a minute to start up my RPC, it's still in bits ATM.)
Now I'm thinking that a little white "i" on a blue background would be nicer - a tiny little image should do the trick...
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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #6326, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6325
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266

I'm open to the possiblity, yes, but you know my track record on things I keep meaning to do... wink

Almost as good as mine indiff

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rich Message #6325, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6323
Unregistered user
I could do the big old <script><noscript> method
Does that mean you might implement it eventually?
I'm open to the possiblity, yes, but you know my track record on things I keep meaning to do... wink
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moss Message #6324, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6320
Unregistered user
You are. smile Oregano can do different link colours; it doesn't cope with different ":visited"s though...
Ah - that'll teach me to actually research things rather than guess then smile

I have no problem with using Javascript for that - it's not like it's going to stop people accessing huge swathes of TIB. It's if it was used extensively in the forums, etc that I would have problems.

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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #6323, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6322
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
I could do the big old <script><noscript> method, but that's a bit cumbersome and I want to concentrate on getting the system working better on the back end - e.g. administrators to edit and add new tags without have to hack the news display PHP directly! Which is kind of why we held polls on JS usage - most people seem to be fine with simple JS.

Does that mean you might implement it eventually?

That's not to say I won't change my mind if people come along and say now that they're /not/ fine with JS... (i.e. speak now folks, or forever hold your piece^H^H^H^H^Hpeace).

As long as the JS is simple and only used for 'extras' like this, that's cool

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rich Message #6322, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6321
Unregistered user
I like asterisks, maybe even with a sup element to really make them footnote-y. smile

Okay, done (well, give me a minute to start up my RPC, it's still in bits ATM.)

And could we have something like:

< a href="infopage" target="_blank" onClick="window.open(etc.)" >*< /a >

so that it works if you don't have JavaScript?

No. I tested this on non-Acorn browsers yesterday and it doesn't work - MIE opens both pages.

I could do the big old <script><noscript> method, but that's a bit cumbersome and I want to concentrate on getting the system working better on the back end - e.g. administrators to edit and add new tags without have to hack the news display PHP directly! Which is kind of why we held polls on JS usage - most people seem to be fine with simple JS.

That's not to say I won't change my mind if people come along and say now that they're /not/ fine with JS... (i.e. speak now folks, or forever hold your piece^H^H^H^H^Hpeace).

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Matthew Message #6321, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6319
Unregistered user
Asterisks would seem more understandable so the popping up info would act as a footnote or endnote.

I like asterisks, maybe even with a sup element to really make them footnote-y. smile

And could we have something like:

< a href="infopage" target="_blank" onClick="window.open(etc.)" >*< /a >

so that it works if you don't have JavaScript?

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Matthew Message #6320, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6318
Unregistered user
I suppose what I'm saying is that I don't know how many RISC OS browsers would show it - I'm guessing the new version of Webster XL would, but I don't *think* Oregano would... I may be wrong though.

You are. smile Oregano can do different link colours; it doesn't cope with different ":visited"s though...

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Phlamethrower Message #6315, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6314
Unregistered user Eep... made my comment in the news item...

Quote me:

The info seems OK, but I'm not too sure about having [?]'s next to each keyword. How about some kind of different style of link, i.e. green text?

I've also put up a note for everyone else to come here. Tsk, having to clean up after you again wink

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The Icon Bar: Site Comments: Info thing on front page