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The Icon Bar: Site Comments: RICH - Mentat is changing and deleting posts like a madtat!
  RICH - Mentat is changing and deleting posts like a madtat!
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andrew Message #6406, posted at 12:17, 30/5/2002
Unregistered user stop it Mentat!

(the first being 'back' changed to 'cock' in the Playpen thread, the second being editing the title of this thread to 'madtat' whereas I said 'Mentat').

[Edited by andrew at 13:20, 30/5/2002]

I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #6408, posted by [mentat] at 12:20, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #6407
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations.

If you will post whingey threads in the 'pen, and threads full of smileys... you will get moderated.

[Edited by mentat at 13:31, 30/5/2002]

andrew Message #6409, posted at 12:21, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #6408
Unregistered user But for how long and you've deleted one on the playpen.
andrew Message #6411, posted at 12:27, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #6410
Unregistered user I take it Rich is away..
diomus Message #6412, posted at 13:46, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #6411
Unregistered user Know your role and shut your mouth.

The mod has spoken.


andrew Message #6413, posted at 13:56, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #6408
Unregistered user E?? can neither confirm nor deny these allegations.

If you will post whingey threads in the 'pen, and threads full of smileys... you will get moderated.<br><br>[Edited by mentat at 13:31, 30/5/2002]

It was not a whingey thread and I stopped posting large amounts of smileys when I realised people didn't want to see them and they were deleted. This was in the past.

Into the current thread, I didn't complain until you changed 'back' to ccok'.
My complaining has only ever really being against lewdness of which you are the chief culprit.

now you are abusing your position.

andrew Message #6414, posted at 13:59, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #6412
Unregistered user
Know your role and shut your mouth.

The mod has spoken.


I quite agree and I have ceased to mention topics when I've seen a good reason not to. The last time was explained by Rich Goodwin which I agreed with in which he pointed out, people were not concerned about a particular issue and thus democratically it was not right for me to keep on about it. He didn't have to say that but I appreciated that he did.
I don't know what Mentat is trying. It was funny but no longer.

diomus Message #6415, posted at 14:14, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #6414
Unregistered user What? I can't understand your mindless mumblings. Feel free to take this to the Playpen so I can flame your good self until you is all crispy.


andrew Message #6416, posted at 14:18, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #6415
Unregistered user
What? I can't understand your mindless mumblings. Feel free to take this to the Playpen so I can flame your good self until you is all crispy.


Mindless mumblings? Made sense to me. As for flaming, nobody in the playpen does that - that's not what it's for.

AndrewDuffell Message #6423, posted at 16:56, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #6419
Unregistered user That ain't fair...
andrew Message #6427, posted at 17:32, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #6423
Unregistered user
That ain't fair...

No, it wasn't fair - it felt below-the-belt reading something I didn't say!!

moss Message #6428, posted at 17:34, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #6427
Unregistered user
That ain't fair...

No, it wasn't fair - it felt below-the-belt reading something I didn't say!!

Yes Mr. Moderator.

Not that I'm obsessed that you are a moderator. And I'm not.

andrew Message #6429, posted at 17:36, 30/5/2002, in reply to message #6428
Unregistered user
That ain't fair...
No, it wasn't fair - it felt below-the-belt reading something I didn't say!!]
Yes Mr. Moderator.
Not that I'm obsessed that you are a moderator. And I'm not.

There's no need to be obsessed, I'm as clear I hope as anybody of TIBs principles of free-speech etc having hammered the subject out previously with Rich!

[Edited by andrew at 18:47, 30/5/2002]

john Message #6435, posted at 13:57, 31/5/2002, in reply to message #6434
Unregistered user Please, go back to the play pen, I don't want to hear about your witterings!
andrew Message #6438, posted at 21:39, 31/5/2002, in reply to message #6437
Unregistered user Yes for all our squabbles without it we'd be all the poorer.
I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #6436, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6435
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
... we already have ... frown
moss Message #6434, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6433
Unregistered user
It's just as well I'm not obsessed then grin

Yeah, good job that! smile

Cos I'm bleedin' well not. indiff
I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #6433, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6429
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266

No, it wasn't fair - it felt below-the-belt reading something I didn't say!!

Felt below the belt! Ha! grin Good one! That's quite subtle... grin

It's just as well I'm not obsessed then grin

Yeah, good job that! smile

moss Message #6432, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6431
Unregistered user
I get the message - you're not obsessed.....
No, I'm bloody not. No. I'm not.

Well done, anyway smile

AndrewDuffell Message #6437, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6435
Unregistered user
Please, go back to the play pen, I don't want to hear about your witterings!

Don't be nasty John... The Playpen has power now tongue

andrew Message #6431, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6430
Unregistered user
There's no need to be obsessed, I'm as clear I hope as anybody of TIBs principles of free-speech etc having hammered the subject out previously with Rich!
It's just as well I'm not obsessed then grin

I get the message - you're not obsessed.....

moss Message #6430, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6429
Unregistered user
There's no need to be obsessed, I'm as clear I hope as anybody of TIBs principles of free-speech etc having hammered the subject out previously with Rich!
It's just as well I'm not obsessed then grin
alpha Message #6439, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6438
Unregistered user Okay I think we've reached the end of this discussion smile.
moss Message #6426, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6423
Unregistered user
That ain't fair...
No unhappy

Although I'm definitely not saying I want to become a moderator. No. I don't. OK? Definitely.


I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #6425, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6420
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266

[Edited by mentat at 18:01, 30/5/2002]
moss Message #6424, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6421
Unregistered user
(Just testing)
Gah is what I thought!!
Yes, Mr. Moderator sir. smile

I don't want to be a moderator anyway. No, really, I don't. Moderation sucks. Yes.

I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #6422, posted by [mentat] at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6406
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266

'madtat' whereas I said 'Mentat').

Actually, you originally said 'Madman'. You're clearly senile. wink

frown Gah!

Sorry, moss. My fault.

andrew Message #6421, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6420
Unregistered user
frown Gah!
[Edited by
at 17:47, 30/5/2002]

(Just testing)
Gah is what I thought!!

moss Message #6420, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6419
Unregistered user frown Gah!

[Edited by moss at 17:47, 30/5/2002]
rich Message #6419, posted at 13:58, 15/6/2002, in reply to message #6407
Unregistered user
And he's deleting any post to complain about it. unhappy

I don't think you can delete individual postings, only threads, on the current boards.

Anyway, there's one way to settle this...

<moderator priveleges engaged>

...cue Star Trek fight music!
[and sharp sticks!]

[Edited by andrew at 17:04, 30/5/2002]

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The Icon Bar: Site Comments: RICH - Mentat is changing and deleting posts like a madtat!