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The Icon Bar: Games: Iron Dignity
  Iron Dignity
  andreww (10:37 3/4/2003)
  Wrath (23:33 5/4/2003)
    Jan Klose (18:35 23/9/2003)
      tribbles (13:53 24/9/2003)
        andreww (11:53 25/9/2003)
          Jan Klose (12:06 27/9/2003)
            andreww (16:12 30/9/2003)
              Max (06:32 2/10/2003)
                andreww (12:35 2/10/2003)
                  Jan Klose (12:37 2/10/2003)
                    andreww (15:39 2/10/2003)
                      Max (08:53 3/10/2003)
                        grek1 (21:34 26/11/2003)
Andrew Message #84684, posted by andreww at 10:37, 3/4/2003
AA refugee
Posts: 555
I wonder how easy it would be to release what Artex have of Iron Dignity (for example that PC game which looked very similar) for the Iyonix?
Certainly would make the Iyonix more worthwhile buying for some people.
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Nathan Message #84685, posted by Wrath at 23:33, 5/4/2003, in reply to message #84684
Posts: 155
I wonder how easy it would be to release what Artex have of Iron Dignity (for example that PC game which looked very similar) for the Iyonix?
Certainly would make the Iyonix more worthwhile buying for some people.

I no longer think it is just a matter of hardware power. I think it's more a matter of what would Artex gain from finishing off what they have. Also the ID engine is a top notch piece of kit and Artex may be best suited to using it for larger platforms.

If Jan would like to prove me wrong then so be it :-)

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Jan Klose Message #84686, posted by Jan Klose at 18:35, 23/9/2003, in reply to message #84685
AA refugee
Posts: 42
Not this time :-(

If you want to see what Artex did with the ID engine then visit www.deck13.com. :-)

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Jason Tribbeck Message #84687, posted by tribbles at 13:53, 24/9/2003, in reply to message #84686
Captain Helix

Posts: 929
Wow - 5 months, 17 days, 19 hours and 2 minutes for a reply - is this a record here?


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Andrew Message #84688, posted by andreww at 11:53, 25/9/2003, in reply to message #84687
AA refugee
Posts: 555
Wow - 5 months, 17 days, 19 hours and 2 minutes for a reply - is this a record here?

You'll have to wait and find out :E

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Jan Klose Message #84689, posted by Jan Klose at 12:06, 27/9/2003, in reply to message #84688
AA refugee
Posts: 42
Maybe it took me just 5 months, 17 days, 19 hours and 2 minutes to be able to honestly give you this answer smile
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Andrew Message #84690, posted by andreww at 16:12, 30/9/2003, in reply to message #84689
AA refugee
Posts: 555
If I had the software to create new TEK scenery graphics I would release a new set of levels for the game. However, I don't know how much is involved in designing new levels...

[Edited by andreww at 17:17, 30/9/2003]
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Max Palmer Message #84691, posted by Max at 06:32, 2/10/2003, in reply to message #84690
Posts: 66
Hi Andrew

There used to be a way of accessing the level editor, but I only ever attempted using it in the very early days, when the TEK engine used to fall over too often. I can't remember how to do it anymore, or whether the feature is even there in the released version. Jan would know. (I was not involved in creating any of the levels - I just used to create mock ups in Compo to test my graphics).

I certainly think a new set of levels would be welcome, especially since TEK is about to come out in Germany for the PC (I have my copy, and it's a faithful conversion).



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Andrew Message #84692, posted by andreww at 12:35, 2/10/2003, in reply to message #84691
AA refugee
Posts: 555
Hi Andrew
There used to be a way of accessing the level editor, but I only ever attempted using it in the very early days, when the TEK engine used to fall over too often. I can't remember how to do it anymore, or whether the feature is even there in the released version. Jan would know. (I was not involved in creating any of the levels - I just used to create mock ups in Compo to test my graphics).
I certainly think a new set of levels would be welcome, especially since TEK is about to come out in Germany for the PC (I have my copy, and it's a faithful conversion).


That's certainly interesting news. Are they using your graphics? Surely if there's any new levels then they can be relatively easily transferred to the Acorn version of the game?
I'd personally like to see a city level like on C&C with attacks from sea and land. How feasible would this be I wonder?

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Jan Klose Message #84693, posted by Jan Klose at 12:37, 2/10/2003, in reply to message #84692
AA refugee
Posts: 42

There is a file inside TEK called "gamerules" or similar. If you change the "EditorMode" from 0 to 1, you will start with the editor (as soon as you click on a level to load when the game is running). However it's not that easy to use. I don't even know if all necessary files are available in the release version for saving and re-loading a level. If you would like to go ahead, I could send you more details (via mail?)


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Andrew Message #84694, posted by andreww at 15:39, 2/10/2003, in reply to message #84693
AA refugee
Posts: 555
Yes please do smile
Is there any way of altering the graphics (not that they're not good enough!) for extra levels? I suppose this might wreck collision detection and so on though.
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Max Palmer Message #84695, posted by Max at 08:53, 3/10/2003, in reply to message #84694
Posts: 66

As far as I know, the German PC version of TEK uses exactly the same in-game graphics and has the same levels as the Acorn version.

I don't know whether there is any easy way of adding new graphics to use in the game (as a minimum the sprites probably need to be converted to a special format). However, as you suggest there may well be some other internal 'game logic' that may need to know about them - which would make adding new stuff difficult, if not impossible without access to the source.

Certainly, there are no 'sea going' units, and I'm not sure how easy they would be to implement. Out of interest, I do have a number of sketches for other types of building / units that I never created. If I ever got time, it would be nice to add them into an expanded version of the game. Also new scenery, terrain types would be good too.

Jan, any chance of having a look at the source code for TEK ;-) ?



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Bent Bracke Message #84696, posted by grek1 at 21:34, 26/11/2003, in reply to message #84695
Posts: 5
There is a file inside TEK called "gamerules" or similar. If you change the "EditorMode" from 0 to 1, you will start with the editor

The text in that file seems to be compressed or made unreadable using other means.

Bent Bracke

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The Icon Bar: Games: Iron Dignity